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Clear your mind with a journal.

 “Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” – Mina Murray ⁠ A great activity for encouraging mindfulness is journaling. Remember writing in your secret diary when you were a kid, well journaling is the adult version of that. If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or worried, picking up a pen and writing down what you’re feeling can help you take your mind off things. It’s also great for when you feel great too – it…

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My Morning Routine – what does yours look like?

What do you do when you first wake up?β € Check your phone? Have a warm tea or coffee, or lemon water perhaps? Give bubs a bottle? Have brekky? Chill out on the couch for a bit. Yeah, me too.β € β € Pre-baby though, I had a very different morning routine. One I am desperate to get back to, albeit I know it will be a little modified, with the addition of little one in our lives now. My routine was based…

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