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80/20 Rule

I like to live my life by the 80/20 rule. Across everything. Food, skincare, work, family, friends, love, exercise … everything. The pursuit of perfection for me in today’s world is not achievable, so I choose to be really great at whatever it may be 80% of the time – I eat fresh veggies everyday, I use organic deodorant, I walk the stairs wherever possible, I make time for at least one friend a week, etc. The other 20%, I…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES

Look for the learning. Always.

Anyone else love Eat Pray Love? It’s one of my top 5 fave flicks. 🎬 Food, spirituality and love. Italy, India and Bali. Pretty much sounds like heaven to me. 🎆 There are so many learnings every time I watch it. One of them is this quote: “Ruin is the road to transformation” Ruin sounds pretty drastic. Well, sometimes life does feel like it’s in ruins and everything has gone to shit. 💩 You’ve lost your job or you wake…

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