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Ever heard of TFT or thought field therapy? It’s a life and mind shifter.

TFT is a type of psychotherapy that manipulates how energy travels through your body. When you feel an energy being built up and blocked, TFT will help you release it through your thought fields. It is said to give long lasting and rapid results. It’s also related to EFT – emotional freedom technique.⁠⁠Rosanna Mosca at Feeling Healthy Wellness Hub is an incredible counsellor and psychotherapist and she helped me move through multiple sessions of TFT in addressing some anxiety and phobia related…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES


Is your life peaceful?⠀ A peaceful life, inside and out. ⠀ ⠀ We all strive for it. Sometimes we experience it, other times, we don’t. ⠀ And it all comes down to our mind, and the choices we make for it.⠀ ⠀ Mindfulness is a therapeutic practice of focusing on the present moment and calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.⠀ ⠀ Many of us live our lives allowing situations and our minds to master us and…

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Last week, on Thursday, 8th September, it was RUOK day in Australia. It is run by an Aussie suicide prevention charity inspiring people to meaningfully connect and support those struggling with life. This is a cause very close to my heart, and it got me thinking. Many years ago, I suffered from horrendous panic attacks and I hid my feelings about it and never gave a glimpse to anyone that anything was wrong. So no one knew that they needed…

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