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Time to give your pantry a makeover


  Thanks to  Jen Robinson from Life Wrangling for this guest post. Sometimes when we make a decision to eat healthier and to look after our bodies better, it’s the little things that can make us come unstuck. For example, walking into the pantry and seeing shelves of unhealthy food is not going to help us maintain our commitment to a healthier life. This is definitely a case where we can use out of sight, out of mind, to our…

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Pills – love them or hate them?

I have a love hate relationship with pills. I recall coming home after my gall bladder operation and I felt excruciating pain like nothing before and all I needed was for it go away, so I could rest and recover. The problem was that by taking the painkillers I was in minimal pain; however, I was hallucinating and couldn’t sleep as a side effect. I stopped taking them after 8 days of no sleep (plus I had started seeing some…

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Animal Biscuits

Yay, I’m so excited! I found healthy biscuits for my daughter to snack on…!! ⠀ Ok, I’m going to be honest here. Back in the day, it wasn’t uncommon for me to start my day with a nice strong instant coffee with around 3-4 processed biscuits each morning. That was my breakfast. And I had no idea what I was eating or doing to my body to set myself up for the day. ⠀ When I first started my healthier…

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doTERRA Lemon Essential Oil – thanks from Dina

< T H A N K Y OU > ⠀ To celebrate reaching our first 100 followers on Facebook back in July, we gave away a bottle of beautiful doTERRA lemon essential oil to one lucky winner.⠀ ⠀ Dina from Melbourne has been enjoying her product ever since, and we were so excited to get her feedback recently … it says it all really. 🙂 We’re liking that Wellbeing Tea, too. 💚🍃 DoTERRA recommends that whilst essential oils can be used…

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