Free range vs caged eggs

Sundays are for a free-range eggy brekky. 🍳 If you try non-free range eggs and compare eggs from chickens raised in a backyard or farm which free roam, you’ll notice in the free range option: The colour of the yolk will be a vibrant yellow rather than a pale yellow, the taste will be incredible as opposed to bland, and you will know they are better for you as they are fed food scraps, are allowed to free roam to eat…

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Ceres Organics Herb Salt

Want a healthy alternative to your processed aromatic seasonings for your meats and veggies?⠀⠀ For a long time, I had been using powdered chicken, veggie or beef powdered stocks full of anti-caking agents, flavour enhancers and artificial preservatives to season our cooked meals. It tasted so good, but I knew it wasn’t good for us.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ By now you’ve probably worked out, I always look for a better healthier option wherever possible. 😉⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ I headed to my trusty Healthy…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES

You are special

Sometimes, you will know the effect you have on someone else’s life … but often, you won’t.⠀ 🍃 You may smile at a stranger in the street, who has just lost their job – they walk away with a little glimmer of hope. ⠀ 🍃 You may tell someone you love them, at the precise moment when they have been having suicidal thoughts and they really need a friend – they walk away feeling loved. ⠀ ⠀ 🍃 You may…

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Eco Store Dishwasher Powder

I have been using traditional dishwasher tablets and gel pouches for a long time now. And hadn’t thought much of it.⠀ Until I read a stat which made me take notice and start thinking more seriously.⠀ “In a 12-month period in Australia, 2072 children were admitted to hospital due to poisoning.” This was due to ingestion of either medicines or household chemicals, including dishwashing tablets which look like lollies in pretty pouches.⠀ With my daughter starting to crawl all over…

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Girl Boss

Today is Women’s Entrepreneurship Day. I am a massive business and entrepreneurial addict – for those who know me well, I’ve been in business for a long time now and pretty much talk about it all the time. It’s a massive part of my life. And there is nothing I love more than bringing together and encouraging other girl bosses to step up and change the world in their own special way.⠀ ⠀ Here’s a shout out to all the…

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80/20 Rule

I like to live my life by the 80/20 rule. Across everything. Food, skincare, work, family, friends, love, exercise … everything. The pursuit of perfection for me in today’s world is not achievable, so I choose to be really great at whatever it may be 80% of the time – I eat fresh veggies everyday, I use organic deodorant, I walk the stairs wherever possible, I make time for at least one friend a week, etc. The other 20%, I…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES


Is your life peaceful?⠀ A peaceful life, inside and out. ⠀ ⠀ We all strive for it. Sometimes we experience it, other times, we don’t. ⠀ And it all comes down to our mind, and the choices we make for it.⠀ ⠀ Mindfulness is a therapeutic practice of focusing on the present moment and calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.⠀ ⠀ Many of us live our lives allowing situations and our minds to master us and…

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Sulphites and how they affect me.

Can certain processed and packaged food cause hay fever / asthma type symptoms? The answer is a big fat YES. It happened to me. Starting with a blocked nose which lasted about 2 years. At work, colleagues would ask if I had a cold (I didn’t), as I sounded so nasal all the time. It got worse at times with extreme bouts of hay fever symptoms, scratchy throat, blocked nose and irritability – I now know this was due to…

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Karen Murrell Lipsticks

Love bright lips? Me, too! For the longest time, I searched for a bright vibrant lipstick that didn’t have all the junk in it, which is not an easy thing. I had read that lippy’s that had deep hues such as reds, pinks, etc., (my faves) were typically tested on animals and most commercial brands contain traces of lead. So I’ve stayed away. Until now. Enter Karen Murrell Lipsticks. Designed in New Zealand and made in Australia. Karen Murrell Lipsticks use…

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doTERRA Lemon Essential Oil – thanks from Dina

< T H A N K Y OU > ⠀ To celebrate reaching our first 100 followers on Facebook back in July, we gave away a bottle of beautiful doTERRA lemon essential oil to one lucky winner.⠀ ⠀ Dina from Melbourne has been enjoying her product ever since, and we were so excited to get her feedback recently … it says it all really. 🙂 We’re liking that Wellbeing Tea, too. 💚🍃 DoTERRA recommends that whilst essential oils can be used…

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